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为何说项目管理很重要 Why is project management important?
An eye for detail can help plan for now and the future, which especially tends to be true when the world is dealing with COVID-19.
Dealing with a project at the initial stage requires a team with various abilities and aptitudes. Those people are liable for managing and executing the project goals, and that takes something beyond materials and labour. Each task follows a project life cycle. A perfect project plan can mean the difference between progress or regress.
As every project follows a project life cycle, mastering the skill is a daunting task, but worth learning. Here are reasons why:
Every customer has objectives and projects advance those objectives. Project management is pivotal because it guarantees what is being carried out is aligned. Good project management guarantees that the objectives of projects line up with the critical goals of the business.
In distinguishing a strong business case, and being efficient about return on investment, project management is indispensable as it can help ensure the right thing is conveyed, which will give real value.
Where project management is left to a team without anyone else, you'll find that people work without legitimate briefs; projects lack focus, can have obscure or amorphous targets, and leave the team unsure on what they should do, or why.
Project management and project professionals empower the team to focus, and when necessary, refocus, on their targets. It guarantees there is an appropriate plan for executing strategic goals.
Without a devoted project manager who has the support and buy-in of executive management, projects are underestimated, schedules tightened, and processes rushed. The outcome can lack quality.
Dedicated project management makes sure that not just the project has the time and resources to deliver but also that the output is quality tested. Project management is of crucial significance to quality assurance since it takes into consideration a staged procedure, creating time for teams to analyse and test their outputs at every step along the way.
Without appropriate project management, spending appraisals and project delivery timelines can be over-aggressive or poorly thought out. Eventually, projects are delivered late, and over budget.
Project management is incredibly useful while scheduling as it carries objectivity to the planning. Project management encourages the project professional to make a plan with achievable deadlines that empowers everybody within the project team to work within limits, and not irrational desires.
Without project management, a team is just like a ship without a rudder; moving without any direction, control or reason. Project management brings initiative and offers guidance to teams to do their best at managing projects.
A project professional offers leadership and vision to inspire, coach, and rouse the team to do their best work.
Only good leaders can manoeuvre a business through this VUCA chaos; these uncertain times, which means a business needs to invoke a sense of leadership among the workforce and do everything required for business continuity.
Incredible project management matters a lot as it delivers progress. Project management builds and allows teams to be happy and motivated who know their work matters. Moreover, it enables organisations to deliver the right thing to their customers and clients.
注:本文由Brant Pu编译,转载自亮元职场英文。
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